City Ordinances
If unavailable online, a copy may be requested, minimal fee applies.
Ordinance 1: Electric Franchise ~ April 1979
Granted Kaufman County Electric Company franchise to furnish electricity to general public in the City of Post Oak Bend
Ordinance 2: Service Rate ~ April 1, 1979
Set general service rate charge for sales of electricity to residential & commercial consumers in City of Post Oak Bend
Ordinance 3: Franchise/Right of Way - Texas Power & Light ~ May 29, 1979
Set 3% annual street/alley rental fee for TP&L operation within City of Post Oak Bend
Ordinance 4: Franchise/Right-of-Way Gulf States United (Centurylink) Signed: June 29. 1979
Ordinance 5: Zoning Commission Established ~ August 7, 1979
Ordinance 6: Proposed Zoning Ordinance ~ Public Hearing: October 31, 1979
Ordinance 7: Building Regulation ~ March 4, 1980 *AMENDED JANUARY 2014 BY ORDINANCE 32. (SEE ORDINANCE 32)
(Amended, not available online)
Ordinance 8: Municipal Maintenance Project of State Highways in City of Post Oak Bend ~ Signed: September 4, 1980
Ordinance 9: City of Post Oak Bend surrenders original jurisdiction over public utilities per Public Utility Regulatory Act ~ Signed: Aug. 27. 1981
Ordinance 10: City approval of retail base rate reductions for Texas Utilities Electric Company Signed: January 5, 1998
Ordinance 11: Ordinance electing to have the Public Utility Commission of Texas exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over the Electric Utility rates, operations, and services of Texas Utilities Electric Company within the existing and future incorporated limits of this municipality.
Signed: February 2, 1998
Ordinance 12: Ordinance regulating junked vehicles; declaring junked vehicles a public nuisance
Signed: April 12, 2001
Ordinance 13: Ordinance amending the existing electric franchise between the City and Oncor Electric Delivery Company
Signed: September 3, 2002
Ordinance 14: Ordinance providing for two year staggered terms of office for the Mayor and Council Members
Signed: December 3, 2002
Ordinance 15: De-Annexation tract of land (Gibson Road) from the City of Post Oak Bend
Signed: February 4, 2003
Ordinance 16: Annexation - Ordinance of the City of Post Oak Bend, Texas annexing Bend East tract of land Signed: April 3, 2003
Exhibit A available upon request.
Ordinance 17: Creation of Zoning Board of Adjustment; providing for the City Council to act as Zoning Board of Adjustment
Signed: April 6, 2004
Ordinance 18: De-Annexation: Tract of land (29 acres) from the City of Post Oak Bend
Signed: January 4, 2005
Ordinance 19: Annexation: tract of land (known as Bend East, Phase III)
Signed: February 1, 2005
Ordinance 20: Approval of ATMOS Energy Corp. request for rate adjustment in this municipality
Signed: July 5, 2005
Ordinance 21: Grants ATMOS Energy Corp a franchise
Signed: January 27, 2006
Ordinance 22: Adoption of Zoning Ordinance
Signed: February 17, 2006 (2014 Ordinance amended Ordinance 22)
Ordinance 22
Ordinance 23: Denial of ATMOS Energy Corp. intention to increase gas utility rates in this municipality
Signed: June 6, 2006
Ordinance 24 - Establishment of Municipal Court
Signed: October 3, 2006
Ordinance 25 Subdivision Regulations
2020 Note: Ordinance was amended by Interlocal Agreement with Kaufman County in 2012 for county regulation in city ETJ.
Ordinance 25
Ordinance 26 - Prohibits new billboard construction and conversion of existing billboards into changeable electronic message signs in city and ETJ Signed: May 20, 2008
Ordinance 27- Amendment of Post Oak Bend - Atmos Franchise Fee to 5%
Signed: June 16, 2008
Ordinance 28 - Approval of new rates for ATMOS Energy Corp.
PASSED: September 7, 2010
PASSED: October 5, 2010
Ordinance 29
Ordinance 30: Annexation: Pebble Creek Estates and 4-acre tract of land Signed: June 12, 2012
Ordinance 30
Ordinance 31: Rights-of-Way Management Ordinance
Signed: June 11 2013
Ordinance 31
Requires Building Permits for constructing any structures, permit fees, contractor registration, provides for $2,000 fine, and adopts 2008 International Electric Code, 2009 International Residential Code, 2009 International Plumbing Code, 2009 International Mechanical Code... Effective Date March 11, 2014 (Building Codes Year Requirements updated Ordinance 41-2020-14)
*Ordinance 32 amends parts of Ordinances 7, 2 and 25
Ordinance 32
ORDINANCE 33-09-14 Road Load Weight Limits and Truck Routes, Penalties
Passed September 9, 2014
City of Post Oak Bend Ordinance establishing load limits on city streets, prohibiting through trucks, establishing truck routes, providing for penalty of no less than $500 per offense. Signed: Sept. 9, 2014
Ordinance 33
Ordinance 34-2014 Regulation of Solid Waste Companies in City and Franchise Fee
An ordinance of the City of Post Oak Bend, Texas, adopting regulations relating to the collection of solid wastein the City; requiring a permit and franchise agreemnt for the use of city streets to conduct such business, providing for penalties not to exceed $1,000 for each offense Effective Date: December 9, 2014
34-2014 A Solid Waste Exclusive Franchise Agreement
An ordinance amending Ordinance 34 granting an exclusive franchise agreement between the City of Post Oak Bend, TExas and Contractor(s) for the collection and disposal of solid waste... providing a penalty fine of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000, and making each day a separate offense. Effective Date: April 2019
Ordinance 34
Ordinance 35-2015 Litter Control
Ordinance 35
Litter Control and Refuse Disposal: An ordinance establishing regulations for prohibiting litter and dumping; providing procedures for solid waste disposal; providing for ... enforcement, including criminal fines not to exceed $2,000 per violation.... Approved 2015
Ordinance 35.2015
Ordinance 36.2017 Amendment to City Zoning Ordinance - Temporary Zoning Classification New Annexations
An ordinance of the City of Post Oak Bend amending the City of Post Oak Bend Zoning Ordinance by adding a provision for temporary zoning classification for newly annexed land; providing a classification for newly annexed land; providing a severability clause; providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict; and providing effective date. Approved August 23, 2017
Ordinance 36
Ordinance 37 - 2017 Adopton of "Residential Single Family" Zoning in Pebble Creek Estates and 4-acre lot
An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Post Oak Bend adopting "Residential Single Family" zoning for the property described as the Pebble Creeks Estate Addition, an addition to the City of Post Oak Bend and a tract of 4.00 acres of land, in the R. Anthony Survey, Abstract No. 1, Kaufman County, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; ... and providing for a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of $2,000 for each offense, and providing an effective date. Approved: August 23, 2017
Ordinance 38 Opent
Ordinance 39-2020-14 COVID-19 May Election Postponement to November 2020, per Governor Abbott/COVID-19 Effective April 14, 2020
An ordinance postponing May Elections to November 2020 per Texas Governor Greg Abbott who signed a proclamation suspending certain provisions of the Texas Election Code to with COVID-19 issues to allow all local political subdivisions that are utilizing the May 2, 2020 uniform election date to postpone their elections to the November 3, 2020 uniform election date; and Kaufman County Elections moved elections to November 2020. Effective April 14, 2020
Ordinance 40-2020-14 Fiscal Year Change to October 1 through September 30 Effective: FY 2020-9-month, FY 20-21-October 12 month
Ordinance 41-2020-14 Amendment of City Ordinance 32 Building Code Standards (only) to 2015, 2014 versions Effective January 14, 2021
An ordinance amending City Ordinance 32 to require all adopted building code standards to the 2015 version, and the National Electrical Code to the 2014 version. Effective: January 14, 2021)